Immigration Detention & Inadmissibility Lawyer in Surrey
The Canadian Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) decrees who can enter Canada and who can’t. It also mandates when people become inadmissible and are no longer permitted to remain in the country.
If you have concerns about inadmissibility, are seeking representation in an immigration detention hearing, or need a deportation lawyer, contact Basra Law Group. Our Surrey criminal lawyers will evaluate your inadmissibility status and determine how to move forward.
Common Grounds for Inadmissibility
Inadmissibility pertains to individuals who are not legally permitted to enter or remain in Canada. The facts that constitute inadmissibility include:
Immigration Detention and Inadmissibility Lawyers in Surrey
If you or your loved one has been declared inadmissible to Canada, contact Basra Law Group. Our committed immigration lawyers have extensive expertise in appeals, medical and criminal inadmissibility cases. They work diligently to help you achieve a favourable outcome.
Call us on +1-604-560-0016 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.